LM Mommy English / 妈咪英语


  • Are you spending too much time on your child's English language studies?
  • 你是否在小朋友的英语学习上花费了大量的时间?
  • Is your child still not making enough progress, even with your attention?
  • 但,是否小朋友在英语上的进步总是差强人意?
  • Did you know that a child's language skills are best nurtured by constant exposure to the new language in everyday situations?
  • 你知道吗?让小朋友掌握一门外语的最佳方式,便是让他/她一直浸润在这门外语的生活场景里。
  • Or... does your child speak better English than you, and you feel left behind?
  • 又或者......小朋友英语比你好,你正在感受着落后的滋味?

Mommy English is an English language study course for parents to practice with their kids, using words and phrases from real life situations including:


  • Getting up in the morning
  • 早晨起床
  • Reading English picture books together
  • 一起阅读英语绘本
  • How to act when guests are visiting
  • 客人来访如何表现
  • How to interact with strangers
  • 怎么和陌生人打交道
  • And many more...
  • 以及更多......

Mommy English includes 60 lessons that you can listen to and practice along with, which will help you practice your English language studies and parenting skills and help reach your goal of a bilingual child and family.


  • Each lesson is approximately 20 minutes in length
  • 每堂课仅20分钟左右
  • Mommy English features techniques from the latest and most well-recognized child education resources
  • 参考最新,最权威英语育儿材料
  • Examples include practical real life scenarios from daily life in China, including food references such as steamed buns, and traditional family values about respect for elders
  • 贴近最真实生活场景,融入东方文化如中国食物“包子”,中国传统价值观“尊敬长辈”等
  • Each lesson recording is clear and concise, and well paced for easy understanding
  • 课程讲解清晰,内容扎实,节奏适中,易于理解
  • Each lesson includes both spoken English and Mandarin, with explanations and pronunciation for new words and phrases
  • 英语和普通话双语讲解,含新词,短语的讲解与发音指导
  • Each lesson can be paused and replayed as many times as necessary
  • 可随时暂停并反复播放
  • There are 3 new lessons each week, and once available you will have lifetime access to them and can go back to old lessons as many times as you like
  • 每周解锁3堂课,一旦订购,可无限次复习已学习过的课程
  • Each lesson includes an easy and fun quiz to help you get the best value from the course
  • 每堂课附有简单有趣小测试,让您获取的价值最大化
  • With 1 hour of lessons each eek, now anyone can have time to practice English
  • 每周仅1小时,再忙的爸爸妈妈也有时间学习
  • Mommy English is like having an English tutor by your side any time you want!
  • 订购“妈咪英语”,如同拥有你的亲子英语私教!

This is the perfect English study learning resource for Chinese parents (and parents to be) who want to learn English alongside their child, and raise a bilingual family.


Class Curriculum / 课程

  1 - Starting The Day / 开始新的一天
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  2 - Starting The Day / 开始新的一天
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  5 - Mealtime / 吃饭时间到!
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  7 - Reading and Studies / 阅读与学习
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  8 - Reading and Studies / 阅读与学习
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  12 - Playing and Fun / 玩耍
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后
  16 - Out In Public / 在外面
Available in days / 天
days / 天 after you enroll / 订购之后

First, I have to say thank you to LM for your hard work in making this program. I can imagine how many books you have to read and how many hours you have to spend to complete both the text version and the audio version. We have learned a lot through listening to your program. Your topics are not only interesting, up-to-date, but also very informative. Through listening to your program, we come to realize so many Chinglish expressions and try hard to get rid of them. LM, Your program is great! It helped lots of people and will keep helping more and more people that join your program! Thanks!

-Jane (College English teacher, Mother of 5 Year Old Son / 大学英语教师,5岁男孩母亲)

Hey Steve! I want to let you know when I am learning Mommy English,it's really really good to see that you encourage children or tell then what they can do and what is improper behavior in the lessons. You have given children choices and talked with them in the positive ways.It is common to see a parent say 'No 'to children or help them make decisions in China. I like your way which you used in the lessons.

-Angela (Kindergarten Teacher / 幼儿园教师)


-Fan (College Teacher, Mother of 5 Year Old Son / 大学教师,5岁男孩母亲)

I am so glad that I found Mommy English! Sometimes my girl will listen with me, after that we will practice for 10 minutes. I think the course is very well paced, very up to date, easy to understand, you did a good job!

-Irene (Self-employed, Mother of 6 year old daughter / 自雇私营,6岁女孩母亲)

初次认识龙猫的时候觉得他好亲切呀,我的女儿也很喜欢他!后来“ 妈咪英语”一推出我便早鸟买了!现在已经上了好几个月的课,除了亲子口语,我也学到了很多的地道亲子理念,越学才越发现,很多早教理念都是“舶来品”。我很高兴有机会接收第一手的亲子资料。我很同意课程里倡导的Quality Time - 高质量的相处时间。我这个妈妈每周学一点英语,提高自己,和孩子用英语说说话,让自己对小孩的影响更正面,也算是悄悄的,虽然容易被忽略,但有意义的Quality Time吧?谢谢你们!

—Wendy(Entrepreneur, Mother of 4 Year Old Daughter / 创业者 4岁女儿母亲 )

Frequently Asked Questions / 常见问题

When does the course start and finish? / 课程什么时候开始?什么时候结束?
The course starts as soon as you register, and 3 new lessons are available each week after that until all 60 lessons are delivered. This course will cover 20 weeks of lessons. / 您订购之日便可开始学习第1周的课程!每周我们会解锁3门课,直到60门课解锁完为止(本课程共20周)。
How long do I have access to the course? / 我可以持续学习多久呢?
After you complete each lesson, you will have lifetime access to it so you can go back and study it as many times as you like. / 一旦订购,享受永久反复学习,复习的权益。
Will this course offer practical examples of daily life in China? / 这门课会含有中国日常生活场景英语吗?
Yes! All of our lessons include Chinese life real life situations, using modern trendy language as spoken by native English speakers. / 有的!我们所有的课程都紧紧围绕中国家庭真实生活场景,配以英语母语者用最流行的英语讲解。
What can I expect in each lesson? / 我每堂课都会学到些什么呢?
Each lesson focuses on one situation or topic, and features English words and phrases relating to it that you can practice with your child. Following each lesson will be a short quiz to help you put what you've learned into practice. / 每堂课我们都设有一个特定主题,强调与话题相关的英语关键词和词组供您和小朋友练习。每堂课后我们都附有小测验帮助大家活学活用。
How is each lesson delivered? / 你们是怎么解锁课程的?
You will receive 3 new audio lessons each week, that you can listen to and practice at your own pace as many times as you like. / 我们每周解锁3堂课,您可以根据自己的生活节奏和学习习惯学习。
I'm a Dad, can I use this course too? / 我是一个爸爸,我也可以学“妈咪英语”吗?
Yes of course! This course is created for all Chinese parents to help you practice English with your child! / 当然可以!“妈咪英语”是为所有的中国爸爸妈妈设计的,我们非常欢迎爸爸加入学习!
Can I listen to this course on my phone or tablet? / 我可以在手机或者平板上听吗?
Yes! Mommy English lessons can be accessed from any device, so you can listen on the subway, while walking, or anywhere else. / 完全可以!您可以在任何设备上聆听学习“妈咪英语”,所以在交通工具上,散步休闲的时候都可以聆听学习。

Get started now! / 我要学习!

Your Instructor / 讲解者

LM / 龙猫
LM / 龙猫

I'm Steve, better known as LM (short for Longmao, my Chinese nickname). I'm a Canadian broadcaster and Certified ESL Teacher. In 2016 I started reading kids books to my nephew in China to help him practice his English studies. Soon after, many other people started asking for recordings of these books. Since then I've created an online community to help people of all ages practice English language studies with a variety of methods including a daily talk show, WeChat study groups, and a series of online courses.

我是 Steve,但是大家更喜欢称我为 LM(我的中文昵称“龙猫”缩写)。我是一名来自加拿大的英语播客,ESL 执证教师。2016年,机缘巧合下,我给我的中国外甥读绘本帮助他学英语,很多中国小伙伴听说后,要求分享参与。很快我们便建立了“龙猫英语”社区,旨在帮助所有有志学英语的中国小伙伴。我们组织了许多学英语活动,如每日通过微信“龙猫英语”发送“聊天学英语”帮助大家熟悉英语文化,建立微信 “Good MAOning! ”学习小组等等。LM 英语除了“妈咪英语”之外,其他在线课程正在制作中,敬请期待!